Mock Tournament
[ Oct. 17 ]
Links from Description:
Note from Me:
We will meet at Poland High School in the cafeteria. I (Spencer Humphreys) will be there at 7:00 to open classrooms and get everything prepared. Please arrive between 7:30 and 8:00. Between 8:00 and 8:15 we will try to get in contact with you to see what is going on. If we don't hear anything from you by 8:30 you will be dropped from the tournament and unable to compete that day, but you can still come watch and support the team if you would like.
The purpose of the OSDA Youngstown District Mock Tournament is to familiarize all participants with the logistics of our local virtual tournaments, including the use of SpeechWire student and judge accounts as well as NSDA Campus competition rooms.
Expectations: *** IMPORTANT ***
Students and judges are expected to conduct themselves professionally at all Youngstown District Virtual Tournaments, which includes upholding the OSDA’s Ethical Standards. Additionally, audio and/or visual recording of any round or saving images from any round at any Youngstown District virtual tournament by any participant is strictly prohibited. All head coaches are expected to ensure their students and judges are aware and comply.
Students can be registered to “compete” in all OSDA HS events except Policy Debate and all OSDA MS events.
There are no registration limits on entries. Multiple entry is prohibited. Students must have SpeechWire accounts. Please have entries in SpeechWire by Thursday, October 15 at 8 PM.
There are no entry fees for participating in the OSDA Youngstown District mock tournament.
TENTATIVE Logistics:
8:30-9:00 AM - Coaches check in at the virtual TAB room
9:30-10:00 AM - Round 1 (Speech/Debate)
10:15-10:45 AM - Round 2 (Speech/Debate)
11:00-11:30 AM - Round 3 (Speech/Debate)
9:30-10:30 AM - Congress Round 1
10:45-11:30 AM - Congress Round 2
Extemp Prep:
Timing and logistics will be communicated later.
SpeechWire Document Detailing Online Draw Events in SpeechWire
SpeechWire Video for Online Draw Events in SpeechWire
Supervising Coach in Charge:
An administratively approved coach for each participating team must check in virtually at the beginning of the tournament and be available throughout the tournament if needed.
In Speech Events, students will be asked to present for no more than 4 minutes per round. The presentation does NOT need to be their actual selection; rather, they can simply speak in order to test their video feed, microphone, and other aspects of participating in the virtual rounds.
In Debate Events, each debater (or debate team) should present for no more than 5 minutes. Additionally, debaters should “cross-examine” for no more than 5 minutes.
We encourage as many judges to participate as possible, in order for them to become familiarized with how the tournaments will work. As such, we could have multiple judges in each section at the mock tournament. Please have judges in SpeechWire by Friday, October 16 at 8 PM.
Judges will rank rounds and provide brief “comments” on ballots. The purpose is two-fold. First, to ensure that the judge knows how these functions work. Second, for coaches to be able to view these documents at the end of the tournament and see how they would distribute ballots to their students.