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[ Jan. 4 ]
No Middle School events offered at this tournament!
Speech- 3 Prelims + Power Round
Debate- 4 Prelims (Power Paired) + Power Round
Congress- 2 Prelim Sessions + Finals
According to the schedule, Awards should start at around 3:00pm, tentatively.
Entry Codes:
Congressional Debate:
04: Muskan G.
01: Rashmeet K.
03: Eli H.
401: Hanna G.
Humorous Interpretation:
602: Annabella W.
601: Marcus S.
Informative Speaking:
901: Erika C.
902: Rowan D.
903: Ben M.
Original Oratory:
301: Lia P.
302: Alex Z.
Lincoln Douglas:
B01: Arjun T.
F1: Liam Burk (Speech)
F2: Jasmine Graham (Congress)
F3: Alysa Oswald (Speech)
F4: Abigail Faix (Speech)
F5: William Faix (Speech)
F6: Spencer Humphreys (Debate)
F7: Owen Puhl (Debate)
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