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[ Jan. 4 ]

No Middle School events offered at this tournament!

Speech- 3 Prelims + Power Round
Debate- 4 Prelims (Power Paired) + Power Round
Congress- 2 Prelim Sessions + Finals

According to the schedule, Awards should start at around 3:00pm, tentatively.
Entry Codes:

Congressional Debate:

04: Muskan G.
01: Rashmeet K.
03: Eli H.



401: Hanna G.


Humorous Interpretation:
602: Annabella W.
601: Marcus S.


Informative Speaking:

901: Erika C.

902: Rowan D.
903: Ben M.


Original Oratory:

301: Lia P.
302: Alex Z.


Lincoln Douglas:

B01: Arjun T.



F1: Liam Burk (Speech)
F2: Jasmine Graham (Congress)
F3: Alysa Oswald (Speech)
F4: Abigail Faix (Speech)
F5: William Faix (Speech)
F6: Spencer Humphreys (Debate)
F7: Owen Puhl (Debate)

Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 10.10.13 PM.png

Canfield Registration
[ DUE: Thursday, December 15 ]

To register for this tournament, please take the time to fill out the information below. Whether you plan on attending or not, you still must fill this form out before the registration deadline.

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