[ Nov. 2 ]
WiFi Password:
Network- boar_personal
Password- BDLS7410
Coach in Charge: Abby Faix
Rooms to Know:
Extemp Prep: Room 223
Judges Lounge: Home Ec Room (Staff will help direct you)
Building Entrance: They ask that everyone enters at Door 9 (Gymnasium side entrance)
Note to Judges: Check in will be at a table in the main hallway. Then, you head to the judges lounge and wait for further instructions. Please check in no later than 8:00 AM.
Speech Events: 3 Prelim Rounds
Extemp Draw: 8:30 AM
Round 1: 9:00 AM
Round 2: 10:15 AM
Lunch: 11:15 AM
Round 3: 12:00 PM
Debate: 4 Prelim Rounds
LD Topic: Resolved: The United States ought to adopt a wealth tax.
PF Topic: Resolved: The United States should substantially reduce its military support of Taiwan.
Round 1: 8:35 AM
Round 2: 9:40 AM
Round 3: 10:55 AM
Lunch: 11:50 PM
Round 4: 12:15 PM
Congress: HS- 3 Prelim Sessions (No Finals)
MS- 2 Prelim Sessions (No Finals)
Prelim Part 1 (HS & MS): 9:00-10:15 AM
Prelim Part 2 (HS & MS): 10:30-11:30 AM
Lunch: 11:30-12:00 PM
Prelim Part 3 (HS): 12:05-1:05 PM
(MS Congress will NOT have finals, and since HS will not be having finals, you are NOT permitted to spectate any rounds)
(Judges are not permitted to spectate final rounds when they have rounds off)
Awards are expected to start at around 2:00 PM.
Speaker Codes (If Needed):
Congressional Debate
49: Rashmeet K.
50: Jasmeet K.
56: Arjun T.
57: Eli H.
58: Muskan G.
423: Madeline G.
424: Hanna G.
Dramatic Interpretation
521: Hannah S.
Humorous Interpretation
614: Olivia B.
615: Annabella W.
616: Marcus S.
Informative Speaking
919: Erika C.
920: Rowan D.
921: Morgan B.
922: Ben M.
Lincoln-Douglas Debate
B22: Sehajpreet K.
Original Oratory
321: Lia P.
322: Alex Z.
1: Alysa Oswald (Speech)
2: William Faix (Speech)
3: Courtney Bender (Speech)
4: Liam Burk (Congress)
5: Bill Adams (Debate)
High School
MS / Holy Family
Middle School Congress
59: Eva M.
60: Ash A.
61: Isabella G.
83: Isabelle S.
Middle School Extemp
62: Abby H.
Middle School Interp
63: Jake H.
65: Alexis K.
66: Jonathan H.
Middle School Oratory
67: Delaney D.
68: Emma H.
1: Tara Hanuscak (Speech)
2: Asha Tuli (Speech)
3: Missy McCormick (Congress)
Middle School Congress
69: Matthew P.
Middle School Oratory
70: Luke P.
1: Mari Wren Petrony (Speech)
2: Gary Hensperger (Congress)